Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 514 513 - Crossover(Part 4)

"Well? Any issues?" I asked one of the researchers who was going through the data from scanning the group from another world.

"No, nothing to be concerned about, they\'re not carrying any diseases or anything. In fact, they\'re all in remarkably good shape. Like, off the charts good shape, beyond what should be humanly possible," He replied with a bemused look on his face.

"Yeah, that doesn\'t exactly surprise me. So, all good then?" I responded, as I stared at the screen, but couldn\'t really make heads or tails of the data displayed on it.

"Yes, but...the energy inside them is fascinating. It\'s quite different to XFE, and possibly more potent. And, uh...all of them have energy levels far exceeding any recorded XFE capacity. The one with the cat ears and tail has the least amount of this energy, but it\'s still several times more immense than even the greatest XFE capacity we\'ve ever recorded.

The one with the sleepy eyes and the woman who looks like a fallen angel, their energy levels are ridiculously immense, pushing the upper limits of what our technology is even capable of measuring. And the one dressed in black...his energy levels are literally immeasurable, our equipment isn\'t capable of gauging the sheer scale of it."

Seriously? I\'m guessing this energy he\'s referring to is their magic power...and based on what I\'ve seen of their abilities, their magic energy is a lot more versatile than our XFE. It\'s so fascinating. I want to find out more...

"Alright, then, I\'ll take charge of them until they decide to leave, I doubt they\'ll stay here for more than a few days," I remarked, after mulling it over.

"Very well. All the quadrant governments and the police force have been informed of this, and they\'ve been sent the footage captured by our surveillance drones as well. They\'ve all agreed to try to establish a peaceful relationship with these people...it wouldn\'t be very wise to make an enemy of someone who was able to throw an Ace Mutant over his shoulder like it was nothing," Responded the researcher warily.

"Yeah, that should go without saying. Send out a message to everyone\'s I-Watches too, don\'t want anyone provoking them or whatever," I suggested.

"Good call. Alright, we\'ll handle all that. You can take them out of this facility now, show them around and whatnot."

"Sure, leave it to me."

I then headed to the room where the four of them were waiting in, before leading them outside the facility.

"This place has such a futuristic vibe, not bad for a world that was ravaged by nuclear warfare," Remarked Kuro in fascination.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" I asked them, as I showed them around the X-Warrior Zone.

"I wanna fight someone," Replied Persia, as plenty of stares were directed this way.

"I\'d like to see how well I measure up against the people of this world too," Added Azyl in agreement.

Seriously? Well, I guess it I found myself in a different world, I\'d also want to see how effective my powers are.

"Well, I guess I could find someone to duel you," I responded, after mulling it over.

"Hey, I know, maybe later we can take you to the past or future of this world," Suggested Belia with a smirk.

That\'s...really tempting, actually. But...

"I don\'t know about that. Speaking from personal experience, time travel tends to mess things up," I sighed in response.

"I mean, we\'ve been jumping across time for days in this world, and I don\'t think we\'ve changed anything," Shrugged Kuro in response.

Wait, is it possible that their time hopping is what ended up causing WWIII? If so...I can\'t really complain about it, since I might not exist if that didn\'t happen.

"Uh, I\'ll think about it," I replied uncertainly, "In the meantime, I\'ll see if anyone\'s free and interested in dueling against you guys."

I messaged my teammates and some of the other Aces, asking them to come over to a training facility we were close by to, if they want to duel against one of these four.

While we waited for them to respond, I led them to a nearby bar. There aren\'t many good restaurants and stuff in the X-Warrior Zone, but this bar is pretty good. My sister recommended it to me, she often goes here to drink, as does Kumar.

"You know, maybe we should use illusion magic to hide our inhuman features. A lot of people are staring," Frowned Kuro warily.

"Mainly at me and Persia, from the looks of it," Grinned Belia, looking around.

"Yeah, it\'s making me kinda self-conscious," Sighed Persia in exasperation.

"You can\'t really blame them. It\'s not everyday you see a cat girl and what looks like a fallen angel," I pointed out objectively.

"Hm, maybe if I unleash my full power and manifest my Demonic features, it\'ll take some attention off you two," Suggested Kuro in response.

"I don\'t think that\'s a good idea," I replied wryly, before placing an order as a waiter walked over.

I ordered a round of beers and some snacks...since they want to duel, it\'s best that they don\'t get plastered.

"You know, it\'s fine if we get drunk...I can nullify the effects instantly if I want to," Said Kuro with a grin.


"Wait, seriously? That\'s so useful, to be able to sober yourself up," I responded enviously, "How exactly do you do it?"

"My Healing Factor. In fact, the only way for me to get drunk is to consciously suppress it," He informed me.

Damn, I want a Healing Factor too. I mean, I kinda have one, my injuries heal a lot faster ever since I took on that explosion at point-blank range and the energy of the blast flowed into me, but my healing capabilities are definitely nowhere near as effective as his.

"With a power like that, you may as well be immortal," I sighed wryly.

"He basically is. As I understand it, it\'s all but impossible for him to age or die of natural causes," Chimed in Azyl.

"Yeah, pretty much," Nodded Kuro affirmatively.

"How\'d you even get such a powerful Healing Factor?" I inquired incredulously.

"Well, I started out with it, but after absorbing the life forces of a bunch of super powerful monsters, and the being in charge of reincarnation, it powered up to the point it\'s at now," He surmised with a grin.

"Damn, I\'m jealous," I sighed enviously.

"I mean, when I absorb someone\'s life force, and subsequently their powers, I can also transfer it to someone else if I don\'t need it," He informed me.

"Wait, seriously? Could you give me one of your powers, something that you don\'t need?" I requested hopefully.

"Sure, I can try...I gained a ton of new abilities from the last major enemy we defeated, most of them are unnecessary," He replied with a nod, as he suddenly extended out his finger nails and pierced them into my arm.

I began to feel something flowing into me-...when suddenly, it cut off and flowed back out, as if my body was rejecting it.

"Huh? What just happened?" I frowned in bemusement.

"Not sure...but I couldn\'t transfer it. Strange...maybe your XFE energy is incompatible with magic techniques?" He responded uncertainly.

Seriously!? Damn it!

"Well, that sucks," I sighed in disappointment, as the waiter returned with the beers and snacks, bite-sized chocolate squares and spicy chips.

"Huh, this tastes a bit different to the beer in our world," Remarked Azyl, as he took a deep sip from the glass.

"Really? Tastes the same to me," Shrugged Persia in response.

"You don\'t drink that much, so I guess you can\'t tell. But it doesn\'t really matter, as far as I\'m concerned, all booze tastes like crap," Chimed in Kuro.

"Yes! Thank you! I\'ve had super expensive, fancy booze and regular cheap stuff too, and I honestly couldn\'t tell the difference," I nodded in agreement.

"Wow, I can\'t comprehend that. But, to be fair, I\'ve been around for a couple thousand years, and I\'ve drank a lot of alcohol, so it\'s only natural that I can tell the difference," Remarked Belia, as she chugged down the beer.

"Hold on, you\'re how old?" I inquired curiously.

"Well, I was created right after the world we\'re from was created, so I lost count centuries ago," She shrugged in response.

"That\'s kinda hard to process," I sighed wryly, before glancing at my wrist as I received some notifications, tapping on my I-Watch, "Oh, looks like a few people have volunteered to duel you guys. They\'ll be here in a little while."

"Anyone strong?" Inquired Azyl in response.

"Uh, yeah...my older sister, she\'s probably the most powerful one here after me. And a few others who are among the strongest," I informed them.

"Sounds good, it\'s been a while since I had a good fight. Never thought I\'d miss it," Sighed Azyl wistfully.

"Yeah, I\'m surprised by that too...you were always so reluctant to use your powers before," Grinned Kuro.

"And so lazy too," Added Persia with a smirk.

"...please stop ganging up on me."


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