Story About Buying My Classmate Once A Week

Chapter 158: I can have a little more faith in Sendai-san — 158

Chapter 158: I can have a little more faith in Sendai-san — 158

Translated by KaiesV

Edited by KaiesV

I tried to close my eyes to go to sleep twice, but I couldn’t sleep.

Sendai-san fell asleep immediately.

I look up at the ceiling and sigh.

Now my sleepiness has gone somewhere else. I woke up once, Sendai-san is too close to me and I’m not in the mood to sleep.

I kick Sendai-san’s leg, who is sleeping annoyingly well.

「Wake up.」

「Has it been thirty minutes already?」

Sendai-san says in a sleepy voice with her eyes closed.

「I don’t know.」

I didn’t look at the clock before I closed my eyes, so I don’t know when thirty minutes later is. All I know is that it is almost eleven o’clock.

「…If you don’t know, I’ll sleep a little longer.」

「Why are you so sleepy?」

「I had a hard time sleeping yesterday.」

Sendai-san slowly opens her eyes and looks at me.

「You were sleeping soundly just a few hours ago.」

「I just had to sleep late so you could get a good night’s sleep.」

「Why couldn’t you sleep?」

「I wonder? Maybe it was because the bed was too small?」

The answer comes back to me in a tone that I can only assume was thought out at random.

「I’m hungry and I’m going to get up. If Sendai-san go back to sleep…」

The truth is, I’m not hungry enough to eat something right now. But I feel uncomfortable staying in this small bed without being able to sleep, so I get up.

「Miyagi, are you going to eat something?」

「I’ll eat.」

「Then I’ll have some too.」

After a yawn, Sendai-san picks herself up. Then she got off the bed before I did, stretched out wide and looked at her watch.

「It’s halfway through the day, do you want breakfast or lunch?」

Sendai-san, who had become one with the bed earlier, asks me a question.

It’s late to call it breakfast and early to call it lunch. Either way, it’s halfway through the day, but if I had to choose, I would go with the one that saves me the trouble of preparing a meal once.


I answered shortly and got off the bed.

「I’ll get it ready for you. Miyagi can just relax.」

「I’ll help.」

「Well, let’s get dressed and then we can make it together.」

I nod at Sendai-san’s suggestion and head for the washroom. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and return to my room. After changing my clothes, I went to the common area and found Sendai-san, wearing a long skirt, beginning to prepare for the meal.

This is in stark contrast to me in my T-shirt and pants.

I think it suits her well.

「What are you making?」

I go next to Sendai-san and ask her.

「I’m frying sausage and eggs. Miyagi is in charge of bread.」

Set the bread in the toaster as I was told. The eggs and sausage are cooked while the dishes are set out and jam and butter are prepared, and we take our seats at the table with our glasses of orange juice and plates.


Our voices overlap.

As I was spreading butter and jam on toast, Sendai-san, who was chewing a sausage, looked at me.

「What are you going to do now today?」

「Nothing comes to mind.」

「Then let’s watch the rest of last night’s movie.」

「It wasn’t that interesting and I don’t need to watch it.」

I don’t have any plans, and I wouldn’t mind spending Sunday with Sendai-san. But I don’t think I want to see the rest of the movie. That said, there is nothing else I would like to suggest, so I take a bite of toast and a glass of orange juice.

「If you don’t have plans, why not? Even if it’s not fun, it’s a good way to pass the time.」

「You may be right, but…」

「Okay, that’s it. We’ll continue the movie after we eat.」

Sunday’s schedule is naturally filled with Sendai-san. It’s not that I have no complaints about her being too pushy, but I think this level of forcefulness is necessary if we are going to spend Sundays together like we have been.

It is difficult to live as roommates if the awkwardness remains, and Sendai-san like today is easier to be with. If I was too attentive, I’ll get tired of it.

「Miyagi, I think you fell asleep in the middle of the show, do you remember where you watched it?」

「I didn’t sleep. I’m just dozing.」

「Do you remember what it’s about?」

「I vaguely remember.」

We empty our plates and glasses as we talk about a movie that wasn’t that interesting. Then we both clean up the dishes and go to Sendai-san’s room.

「Can we start from here?」

Sendai-san, who was operating a tablet next to me, asked me what I wanted to do, and when I said「yes,」the continuation of the movie we had watched yesterday appeared on the screen. Watching a movie that was near the end until the end roll.

「How was it?」

Asked by Sendai-san, I answer truthfully.

「…I knew it, it’s still not very interesting.」

「Miyagi originally said you wanted to see it.」

「Yes, but it’s boring.」

Leaning back on the bed, Sendai-san begins to operate her tablet.

「What else do you want to watch?」

「I’m done.」

「Then, what do you want to do?」

「I don’t have to do anything.」

「If you don’t do anything, you’ll be bored.」

Having said that, Sendai-san stopped operating the tablet and leaned back on the bed.

「If Miyagi wants to go out, you can go out in the rain.」

「I’m never going.」

「Then Miyagi can think of something that’ll do to pass the time.」

「What about games?」

「I suck at playing games.」

Sendai-san sounds disgusted.

When we played games together in high school she wasn’t very good. She doesn’t seem like the type to actively play games, and I know she wouldn’t want to do it in her spare time.

「Then there’s nothing to do.」

「It’s not that there isn’t one.」

Sendai-san says with a hint of implication.

「…What is it then?」

「Turn around here.」

No answer to my question was returned.

I don’t have a good feeling about this, but I turn my body toward her and she grabs my hand. I felt my nerves fluttering down to my fingertips and looked at my clasped hands and called out, “Miyagi.” I looked up and my lips were sealed.

But I move away quickly.

It’s not that I don’t have my own feelings about kissing in this room, but I’m willing to forgive her this much. I’ve done this so many times in the past that if I make a big deal about it and don’t like it, it’s going to look more like I’m conscious of it. So, I don’t mind at all.

Soon Sendai-san comes close to me again and licks my lips.

I reflexively pull my body back, but her tongue enters my mouth. I try to drive back Sendai-san, who invaded my position without refusal, but the space that used to be mine is easily taken away.

These kisses had not been done since that day.

I didn’t call it out, but the memory of Sunday almost spread vividly, and as I was driving it out of my mind, something warm and soft entered deeply and tangled my tongue. The movement of something more raw than my lips deprived me of the body heat that was mine and gave me Sendai-san’s body heat. My head is painted white by the mingled body heat.

I grab Sendai-san’s clothes.

Almost pulling me toward herself, I bite her tongue with a good amount of force, but not enough to create a wound.

Sendai-san backs away from me a little and then comes closer again. Then she bit my lip as if to get back at me.

Though forceful Sendai-san is more like her, there is no need to show this kind of forcefulness here and now.

「If this is what you do, don’t do it.」

I release my grip on her clothes and push her body.

「The kiss, do you hate it?」

A question that I did not expect to be asked.

「I mean, I don’t like it, but it’s not something you should be doing right now.」

「That means you don’t hate it, right?」

「Sendai-san, what do you mean? You said you wouldn’t do anything weird.」

「If I made a promise yesterday, it was until you left my room. You just left the room, and the promise expired.」

I remember that was the deal.

I brought up the expired promise because I thought she might keep her word even though it had expired. If it’s not good enough, it’s not good enough. If the promise has expired, just make a new one.

「Then, promise me once again.」

If Sendai-san swears through my earring every time something happens, that’s all that matters.


When I said this, Sendai-san came as close to me as she did when she kissed me and whispered in my ear.

「I won’t do anything weird, but I promise I’ll get back to you a little later.」

「What do you mean by later?」

Without replying, Sendai-san kissed my earring and put her lips on my neck.

The area she was touching feels terribly hot.

She press on my shoulders and put her weight on me.

Before I can push back against Sendai-san’s body, my back is attached to the floor. The hem of my T-shirt is turned up and her hand slips inside.


I call her strongly.

I know she can hear me, but her hand is pressed against my side. She continued to stroke me down to my ribs and I held her hand over the cloth.

「What’s with your hand?」

「You don’t like me, touching you?」

Another question was asked in response to my question.

「What if I said no?」

「I won’t touch you anymore.」

Once again, I think.

In such situations, Sendai-san always tries to make me choose. She asks me questions and tries to get me to give her answers that she has already decided in her mind.

「…I don’t want to be touched right now, so get out of my way. It’s about time you kept your word.」

I kept pushing Sendai-san’s body.

But her body doesn’t move.

I grabbed her shoulders and clawed hard enough to leave marks.

「Miyagi, let’s do rock-paper-scissors.」


Words I didn’t expect to come from the person who was pushing me down, and the strength drains from the hand that was gripping my shoulder.


「Wait a second!」


Before I can prepare my mind, Sendai-san makes a par and I make a scissors afterward.

「Miyagi won, so I’ll move out.」

When I said this, Sendai-san easily moved off of me. I pulled down the hem of my T-shirt and then sat up.

「And I’ll keep my word.」

Sendai-san smiles at me.

「…What would you have done if I had lost?」

「Wondering what am I going to do.」

From what she said, I don’t know what would have happened if I had lost.

But I do know that she would have kept her promise in the end even if I lost the rock-paper-scissors game. I felt that way.

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